1. 文献:
- Jiang, Y., amp; Shen, F. (2018). How visual storytelling in advertising affects consumers: The role of narrative transportation. Journal of Business Research, 87, 34-45.
- Li, T., amp; Ma, B. (2017). The effects of visual storytelling advertising for fashion luxury brands. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 8(4), 324-337.
- Chen, Y., amp; Zhou, X. (2015). Effects of narrative transportation on attitude change: The role of transportation-imagery bridging and transportation-attitude accessibility. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 58, 31-39.
- Van Laer, T., De Ruyter, K., Visconti, L. M., amp; Wetzels, M. (2014). The extended transportation-imagery model: A meta-analysis of the antecedents and consequences of consumers#39; narrative transportation. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(5), 797-817.
- Trachuk, A., Pereverzeva, D., amp; Trachuk, P. (2019). The effect of visual storytelling in advertising on brand awareness and purchase intention. European Research Studies Journal, 22(1), 3-12.
2. 期刊:
- Journal of Advertising
- Journal of Business Research
- Journal of Consumer Research
- Journal of Advertising Research
- International Journal of Advertising
- Journal of Marketing Communications
- European Journal of Marketing
- Journal of Global Fashion Marketing
- Journal of Interactive Marketing
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